Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Months 3 and 4

Will is now 4 months old and the time just keeps flying by! My daily routine consists of all-things Will, and although it is frustrating at times (tired anyone?), I wouldn't want it any other way:) Will brings so much joy and happiness to our lives it's sometimes hard to think that he wasn't always here.

Will didn't have a check-up at 3 months but he did have his circumcision done at that time. This was a torturous experience for both he and I and if I could go back in time I probably would not have had it done. Needless to say, there is nothing I can do about it now. Anyways, Will was weighed before his procedure and he weighed 14 lbs 2 oz(48th percentile).

At 3 months Will could:
*Hold his head up all on his own
Roll from tummy to back in both directions (I still don't think he can make himself do this, it's just more a result of propping himself up and looking around)
Sit in his exersaucer (he didn't really play with any of the gadgets at this point)
Drink 7 oz bottles every 3 hours (and he's only in the 48th percentile? I'm just as shocked as you)
Stare at Chris and I as we ate and make chewing movements with his mouth
Smile and interact with others
Make more and more sounds
Suck on his hands/fingers
Play with his tongue
Grab at things
take 4-40 minute naps throughout the day

Took Will swimming for the first time at 3 months and he liked it. The water was kind of cold and he didn't splash or anything but he was alert and aware the entire time. And when I put him on his tummy he would kick his legs and laugh at me as I commentated about him winning an Olympic race:)

At Will's 4 month check-up his stats were as follows:
Height-26.5" (93%)
Weight-15lbs 14oz (17%)
Head circumference-42.25cm (49%)

At 4 months Will can:
*sit up on his own for short periods of time (he usually falls to the side in attempt to reach for something)
Squeal, scream, and talk really loud
Drink 8 oz bottles every 3 hours
Eat oatmeal cereal once every few days and try occasional things mommy and daddy give him:)
ALMOST roll from back to tummy! He arches and bends and reaches but his hands get in the way because they're always in his mouth:)
Push off his legs when he's on his tummy which sometimes moves him forward or backward
support his whole body weight when standing on his legs (the pediatrician was impressed)
Actually play with the toys in his exersaucer and is learning the cause-and-effect of pushing this or hitting that
Grab things and pass them back and forth between his hands
Laugh when he is tickled just under his neck:)
Reaches for and sucks on his feet (I hope that isn't a habit he intends to keep)
Takes 3-4 naps during the day, the first one is usually 1-1.5 hours and the rest are about 40 minutes

Got his immunizations at 4 month appt;didn't cry after the first shot but did after the second:(

He loves looking in the mirror and gets super excited at his reflection, he loves being outside(especially the trees), baths, white noise, diaper changes, being sung to at nap or bed time, being read to to talked to, watching football (or really anything on the tv...that's bad, huh?), car rides/stroller rides

Doesn't like having his face covered by anything, doesn't like to be ignored???, Getting dressed, being scared, solids (so far, but we're not giving up), being strapped into the car seat,

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